Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Blogging is hard, y'all.  I have been attempting at "creating" a blog since March of 2012  but I have not had any luck with coming up with a design that I could be happy with until today!  Well, I don't know that I'm 100 % happy with it but it works...for now.

With today being day one of 2013 and blogging being on my resolutions list, here I am writing my very first post. What should I write about? Resolutions,of course! It seems appropriate to me anyway.

Here are my 2013 New Years Resolutions:
Pray more often.  2012 brought lots of things, but the most important of them all is becoming closer to God than I ever have. I firmly believe that drawing me closer to Him is the main reason why we moved all the way to Seattle from good ol' Texas.  I have witnessed His presence and He has shown me tremendous grace, more than I ever deserve. I have been saved.  Now my work begins.  I am resolved to be more diligent in seeking to be closer to God.  I will try my very hardest to pray for everything and to do it often.

365 Day Challenge. My little family and I moved to Washington about a year and a half ago.  There have been times when the days dragged by and other times when I didn't even know that the week was over. One day we wont be here anymore. One day we will go back to our home in Texas and all of these beautiful surroundings will only be a memory.  My goal this year is to document each day with either a picture or a sentence. Nothing fancy or exceptionally creative but just a picture or short line about the day so that I will always remember this year while living in Washington.

Travel. Brandon and I were talking one evening about the things that we think we have in common. My favorite one, that he reminded me of, is that we both enjoy traveling.  So this goal is really a family goal.  There are so many things to see in this part of the country!  We hope to be able to experience as much as we can fit in to our weekends.

Take better care of myself mentally and physically.  I feel like this is something that I didn't REALLY realize I needed to do until this past year.  I've had a few "downs" this year that have opened my eyes to the fact that I need to take care of myself as well as the people around me.  My mental health, my physical health, and my heart matter too.  I hope to work on myself by making more time for me to be "ready" everyday.  I am notorious for living in sweat pants and t-shirts, no makeup, no pretty hair, and no awesome shoes.   I am resolved to make myself look decent so that I feel decent.  My outside should reflect my inside and I don't think that I do a good job of portraying my true self.

Finally, here are a few others that aren't as intense as the goals above:
Wear my contacts more often than my glasses. Write more handwritten letters.
Save money & have date night once a month.

Now you know what I will be working on this year and there is no better day than today to begin! So, cheers to a clean slate, an enthusiastic life, and a year full of fun!

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